How create an INSTALLER to my Progress Programs?

I developed a Payroll System in Progress Version 9.1E and I want to you tell me that way I can create an Installer or what program I can use to install my Payroll System in others computers.

The PCs where it is needed install the Payroll System have the next characteristics:
- Windows XP Professional and Windows 2000

I hope any solutions, thanks.


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Stefan Drissen's picture

Inno Setup

Inno Setup ( is a very easy to use installer.


I´m going to check that program,

Thank´s a lot Stefan.

Advanced Installer

Inno Installer is great, we used it for years and it will do almost anything you need - almost. We found we had to edit the Crystal Reports MSI files and Inno didn't support that.

We moved to Advanced Installer Professional ( which allows you to edit and deploy the Crystal MSI files. The Free version doesn't support MSI files. But, I've found Advanced Installer to be easy to use, very robust, and pretty cheap. They also have a really good support forum.