Install Instructions

ProRefactor is an Eclipse plug-in, and Eclipse provides a user interface to make the installation and updates of plug-ins easy. If you have ever used Eclipse's Feature Updates wizard in the past, then you probably do not need to read this section at all.


ProRefactor and Eclipse require a recent version of Java. Java can be freely downloaded and installed from


ProRefactor requires a recent version of Eclipse. Eclipse can be freely downloaded and installed from
Note:ProRefactor creates a prorefactor subdirectory in your Eclipse working directory. Your project settings are stored there, and ProRefactor writes various additional files and directories there.


Start Eclipse and choose Help > Software Updates > Find and Install... and use the following URL:

Linux and Unixes

The Proparse shared libraries are not distributed with ProRefactor, and those must be installed separately. Proparse comes with its own install notes, but there are a few additional items worth mention with regards to ProRefactor. The shared libraries and the DLL symlink may be installed into one of two places: either into the org.prorefactor.core plug-in directory, or else into your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or equivalent). Since there is a new org.prorefactor.core plug-in directory with each new ProRefactor release, it probably only makes sense to install Proparse's shared libraries into your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Note: Linux provides a shared library loading mechanism via the /etc/ file. This does not (at present) work for loading shared libraries into Java or Eclipse.

All Done

You should now be able to select the ProRefactor perspective from Eclipse's Window menu.