Documenting how to use ProDataSets

This page was created with the idea that it would be the beginning entry in a series of contributions by multiple authors, eventually turning into general documentation on ProDataSets. After one early contribution by Tim not much got added until Miles came along with his large contribution which covers a lot of ground. While that was a big help, I am sure there can always be more, so I have left this page as a pointer for those who might consider making contributions. What I would like in particular I am describing below:

I would like two documentation hierarchies.

One of these will be about the actual syntax and use, i.e., a hyperlinked set of pages corresponding to the reference manual, but organized to allow perceiving the high level structure and drilling down into details as needed. This should include extensive details on how the data-source and dataset object methods & attributes, a la what's there already.

The other will be task or problem oriented and will focus on code examples of how to use ProDataSets to accomplish particular goals. Some of these topics might include:*

  • Different ways to marshal data into the PDS.
  • Different ways to marshal data out of the PDS.
  • The different ways of marshalling data in and out of a PDS can interact, with more examples.
  • How to manage changes.

In addition to these generic categories, contributors should feel free to post any specific applications which they think illustrate how ProDataSets are used to handle any particular problem area.

We encourage you to think of this as documentation, i.e., the posting should include the code in the text so that the pages can be read like a manual, but may also offer a downloadable copy of the code as an attachment. Generally, it is recommended that content should be added as book pages so that it can be logically arranged and comments should be enabled so that feedback can be solicited.

If you have a possible contribution and you aren't sure how to proceed, drop me a line at thomas [at] .

* Tim Kuehn contributed to the ideas represented here.